Return & Refund Policy
If you need to return or receive a damaged product, please email us at, and we will do what we can to either replace the item or give a refund. All products must return within 21 days of the original shipping date and have all tags attached.
if you are unsure about the fit, size, color, or anything else, feel free to email us at we're here to help.
we gladly accept returns for all full-priced items purchased online for a refund or exchange within 30 days of delivery.
please keep in mind that all returned and exchanged merchandise must be unworn, unwashed, and without alterations. sale items, gift cards, and one-of-a-kind pieces are final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged.
Shipping Info
Orders are processed the day they are received. In some cases, it may take a day for processing. We will notify you when the item is in stock and ready to ship for pre-orders.
We ship from our warehouse in Los Angeles. Please allow 3-7 working days for delivery. For more immediate delivery, contact